AAM = = = Air-to-Air Missile
AB = = = Air Base
ABCCC = = = Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center
ACC = = = Air Combat Command
ACM = = = Air Combat Maneuvering
AEW = = = Airborne Early Warning
AFB = = = Air Force Base
AFRC = = = Air Force Reserve Command
AFRES = = = Air Force REServe
AFSOC = = = Air Force Special Operations Command
AGM = = = Air-to-Ground Missile
ALAT = = = Aviation Legere de l'Armee de Terre
ALCM = = = Air-Launched Cruise Missile
AMC = = = Air Mobility Command
AMI = = = Aeronautica Militare Italiana
AMRAAM = = = Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile
ANG = = = Air National Guard
APACHE = = = Arme Propulsee A Charges Ejectables
APU = = = Auxiliary Power Unit
ARM = = = Anti-Radiation Missile
ARNG = = = ARmy National Guard
ASARS = = = Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System
AShM = = = Anti-Ship Missile
ASM = = = Air-to-Surface Missile
ASMP = = = Air-SolMoyenne Portee
ASRAAM = = = Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile
ASV = = = Anti-Surface Vessel
ASW = = = Anti-Submarine Warfare
ATGM = = = Anti-Tank Guided Missile
ATM = = = Anti-Tank Missile
AWACS = = = Airborne Warning And Control System
BERP = = = British Experimental Rotor Programme
BVR = = = Beyond Visual Range
C2W = = = Command and Control Warfare
C3I = = = Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence
CAF = = = Canadian Armed Forces
CAG = = = Commander, Carrier Air Wing
CAP = = = Combat Air Patrol
CAS = = = Close Air Support
CASEVAC = = = CASualty EVAcuation
CBU = = = Cluster Bomb Unit
CEM = = = Combined Effects Munition
CIS = = = Commonwealth of Independent
COIN = = = COunter-INsurgency
COMINT = = = COMunications INTeligence
CONUS = = = CONtinental United States
CRT = = = Cathode Ray Tube
CTOL = = = Conventional Take-Off and Landing
DLIR = = = Downward-Looking Infra-Red
EAP = = = Experimental Aircraft Programme
ECCM = = = Electronic Counter-Counter Measures
ECM = = = Electronic Counter Measures
ECR = = = Electronic Combat Reconnaissance
EFIS = = = Electronic Flight Instrumentation System
ELINT = = = ELectronic INTelligence
EO = = = Electro-Optical
ESM = = = Electronic Surveillance Measures
ESSS = = = External Stores Support System
EW = = = Electronic Warfare
FAA = = = Fleet Air Arm
FAC = = = Forward Air Control
FAV = = = Fuerza Aerea Venezolana
FBW = = = Fly-By-Wire
FCS = = = Flight Control System
FLIR = = = Forward-Looking Infra-Red
FMRAAM = = = Future Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile
FMS = = = Flight Management System
GPS = = = Global Positioning System
HARM = = = High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile
HDD = = = Head-Down Display
HDU = = = Hose-Drum Unit
HMMWV = = = High-Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle
HOT = = = Haut subsonique Optiquement Teleguide tiere d'un Tube
HOTAS = = = Hands On Throttle And Stick
HUD = = = Head-Up Display
IAF = = = Indian Air Force
IDF = = = Israeli Defense Force
IAF = = = Israeli Air Force
IFF = = = Identification, Friend or Foe
IFR = = = In-Flight Refueling
IIR = = = Imaging Infra-Red
INAA = = = Internal Navigation and Attack
INAS = = = Indian Naval Air Station
INS = = = Inertial Navigation System
IOC = = = Initial Operating Capability
IR = = = Infra-Red
IRADS = = = Infra-Red Acquisition and Designation System
IRIAF = = = Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force
IRST = = = Infra-Red Search and Track
ISAR = = = Imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar
J-STARS = = = Joint Surveillance Target Attack
JASDF = = = Japan Air Self-Defense Air Force
JASSM = = = Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile
JDAM = = = Joint Directed Air Munition
JGSDF = = = Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
JMSDF = = = Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
JSF = = = Joint Strike Fighter
JSOW = = = Joint Stand-Off Weapon
JTIDS = = = Joint Tactical Information
LAMPS = = = Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System
LANTIRN = = = Low-Altitude, Navigation And Targeting by Infra-Red at Night
LASTE = = = Low-Altitude Safety and Targeting
LCD = = = Liquid Crystal Display
LERX = = = Leading-Edge Root eXtensions
LGB = = = Laser-Guided Bomb
LII = = = Gromov Flight Institute
LLLTV = = = Low-Light-Level TeleVision
LOCAAS = = = LOw-Cost Anti-Armour Submunition
LOROP = = = LOng-Range Oblique Photography
MAD = = = Magnetic Anomaly Detection
MFD = = = Multi-Function Display
MFI = = = Mnogofunkcionalnij Frontovij Istrebitel (Multirole Tactical Fighter)
MICA = = = Missile d'Interception et de Combat Aerien (Combat and Air-Intercept Missile)
MLU = = = Mid-Life Update
MSIP = = = Multi-Stage Improvement
MTOW = = = Maximum Take-Off Weight
NACES = = = Naval Aircrew Common Ejection
NAS = = = Naval Air Station
NATO = = = North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NBC = = = Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
NOE = = = Nap Of the Earth
NOTAR = = = NO Tail Rotor
NVG = = = Night Vision Goggles
OCU = = = Operational Conversion Unit
OCU = = = Operational Capability Upgrade
OSF = = = Optronique Secteur Frontale
OTH = = = Over The Horizon
PDLC = = = Day/night (TV/thermal imaging) laser-designation pod produced by Thomson-CSF
PGM = = = Precision-Guided Munitions
PLA = = = People's Liberation Army
PLAAF = = = People's Liberation Army Air Force
PLANAF = = = People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force
PLSS = = = Precision Location Strike System
PVO = = = ProtivoVozdushnaja Oborona (Air-Defense)
RAF = = = Royal Air Force
RAM = = = Radar Absorbent Material
RHAW = = = Radar Homing And Warning
RMAF = = = Royal Malaysian Air Force
RNS = = = Russian Naval Ship
RS = = = Reconnaissance Squadron
RWR = = = Radar Warning Receiver
SAC = = = Strategic Air Command
SALT = = = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
START = = = STrategic Arms Reduction Talks
SAM = = = Surface-to-Air Missile
SAR = = = Search And Rescue
SARH = = = Semi-Active Radar Homing
SATCOM = = = SATtellite COMmunications
SCALP = = = Systeme de Croisiere conventional autonome a longue portee de precission
SEAD = = = Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
SWF = = = Sensor-Fuzed Weapon
SIGINT = = = SIGnals INTeligence
SLAM = = = Stand-off Land Attack Missile
SLAM-ER = = = Stand-off Land Attack Missile-Extended Range
SLAR = = = Side-Looking Airborne Radar
SMD = = = Stand-off Munitions Dispenser
SOA = = = Special Operations Aviation
SOM = = = Stand-Off Munitions
SRAM = = = Short-Range Attack Missile
SSN = = = Nuclear Attack Submarine
STO = = = Short Take-Off
STOL = = = Short Take-Off and Landing
STOVL = = = Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
TAC = = = Tactical Air Command
TARPS = = = Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Podded System
TBAP = = = Tiazholij Bombardirovochnij Aviacionij Polk (Heavy bomber aviation regiment)
TERPOM = = = TERrain PROfile Matching
TFR = = = Terrain-Following Radar
TFW = = = Tactical Fighter Wing
TIALD = = = Thermal Imaging Airborne Laser Designator
TINS = = = Tactical Inertial Navigation System
TOW = = = Tube-launched, Optically-sighted, Wire-guided
UAE = = = United Arab Emirates
UK = = = United Kingdom
UN = = = United Nations
USAF = = = US Air Force
USCG = = = US Coast Guard
USMC = = = US Marine Corps
USN = = = US Navy
USNR = = = US Naval Reserve
USSR = = = Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics
VHF = = = Very High Frequency
VIP = = = Very Important Person
VLF = = = Very Low Frequency
VTA = = = Vojenno-Transportnaja Aviacija (Military transport aviation)
VTO = = = Vertical Take-Off
VVS = = = Vojenno Vozdushnije Sili (Air Forces)
WCMD = = = Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser
WVR = = = Within Visual Range