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قديم 22-12-2010, 07:27 PM  
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الصورة الرمزية timeout02
timeout02 timeout02 غير متواجد حالياً
ATC Instructor
تاريخ التسجيل: 24 - 11 - 2010
الدولة: السعودية
المشاركات: 578
شكر غيره: 0
تم شكره مرة واحدة في مشاركة واحدة
معدل تقييم المستوى: 953
timeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقدير
timeout02 timeout02 غير متواجد حالياً
ATC Instructor

الصورة الرمزية timeout02

مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي
تاريخ التسجيل: 24 - 11 - 2010
الدولة: السعودية
المشاركات: 578
شكر غيره: 0
تم شكره مرة واحدة في مشاركة واحدة
معدل تقييم المستوى: 953
timeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقديرtimeout02 يستحق الثقة والتقدير
افتراضي رد: احتراق محرك الطائرة السعودية

كل العالم يعاني من مشكلة الطيور وليس للخطوط السعودية آو أي شركة أو حتى مطارات العالم من دور في المشكلة انما هي مشكلة عالمية ومنظمات وادارات السلامة العالمية يبحثون دائمآ عن حلول للتقليل من حجم المشكلة واخترت لكم هذا المقال

How can we cut down the risk of bird strikes

There's no silver bullet. There's no magic chemical you can spray or sound you can project that is going to scare the birds away. What it takes, and what we advocate for airports worldwide is integrated management with three pillars:

The first pillar is habitat management. Manage habitat in the airport and surrounding area at least two miles from the airport. You don't want to have any bird attractants like landfills that attract gulls or other scavenging birds. On the airport, you want to eliminate standing
water because water is a magnet. You want to have good drainage, and manage the grass and keep it mowed. You also want to keep [animal] populations under control so you don't attract birds of prey. You want to eliminate any perching structures on or around the airport and basically make the airport as sterile as possible.

The second pillar is having trained bird-control teams that patrol the airport and harass and disperse any birds that come onto the airport grounds. They use pyrotechnics and noisemakers that flash lights and that will scare—but not kill—the birds. Some airports use
trained dogs. A few airports use trained falcons.

The last resort is lethal control or removal of birds from surrounding areas, which is only done under permit because all of these birds are federally protected under the
Migratory Birds Treaty Act. Canada geese, for instance, are rounded up in early summer and euthanized.

That takes care of the airport environment. Once the plane gets away from the airport and the plane is gaining altitude there are a few things that hold promise but are not operational. How do we make aircraft more detectable or noticeable by birds? One concept is using pulsating landing lights instead of having steady lights in order to catch the birds' attention so they realize something fast is approaching. We also know birds see in the ultraviolet range beyond what humans see and one idea is to use UV-reflecting paint.

The final thing being worked on is bird-detecting radar. We have radar that detects
weather and radar that detects wind shear around airports. You can program radar to filter out weather and show the birds. That would be available to pilots and air traffic control to help pilots steer around concentrations of birds in the air.
timeout02 غير متواجد حالياً