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-   -   [FSX] Fsx 747 Klm Manual Smooth Landing Steep Approach At The Impossible Airport Paro Bhutan Vqpr (https://www.flyingway.com/vb/showthread.php?t=120901)

aymenalouica 12-05-2012 12:14 PM

Fsx 747 Klm Manual Smooth Landing Steep Approach At The Impossible Airport Paro Bhutan Vqpr
Fsx 747 Klm Manual Smooth Landing Steep Approach At The Impossible Airport Paro Bhutan Vqpr


cindebad 12-05-2012 01:34 PM

It's amazing what did u do in this VERY NICE LANDING
excellent approach
excellent rate of descent
excellent touch down
excellent sounds

wait for me with my 777 this week my friend

aymenalouica 14-05-2012 07:41 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة cindebad (المشاركة 1199155)
It's amazing what did u do in this VERY NICE LANDING
excellent approach
excellent rate of descent
excellent touch down
excellent sounds

wait for me with my 777 this week my friend

thanks a lot my dear as always you're the first to reply and what a reply it was from a great captain
for the rate of desent it is not as perfect as you mention it was a little bit steep
i will try to do better desent aspect next time
i am waiting for your masterpiece of 777 landing

cindebad 14-05-2012 07:58 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aymenalouica (المشاركة 1199946)

thanks a lot my dear as always you're the first to reply and what a reply it was from a great captain
for the rate of desent it is not as perfect as you mention it was a little bit steep
i will try to do better desent aspect next time
i am waiting for your masterpiece of 777 landing

In these conditions i believe that your rate of descent was excellent with the queen 747
have a nice day friend

aymenalouica 15-05-2012 03:45 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة cindebad (المشاركة 1199948)
In these conditions i believe that your rate of descent was excellent with the queen 747
have a nice day friend

look at this and tell me what you think about it
this awesome landing was done by a very funny and professionnal american pilot


cindebad 15-05-2012 04:09 PM

You are right friend
its really an amazing landing by the 737
i spend every day 1 hours trying to land my A319 at runway 15 visually of course and manually but i need good charts of this appraoch
do u have one

aymenalouica 15-05-2012 04:34 PM

1 مرفق
this visual chart the best i have but for your information american fsx404 is preparing an approach to vqpr the very professional one we have to wait a little more
you know cindy not more than 19 pilot all over the world are certified to land at paro bhutan

cindebad 15-05-2012 04:47 PM

He had landed today
take a look

aymenalouica 15-05-2012 06:05 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة cindebad (المشاركة 1200252)

thanks a lot my lovely dear friend
i saw this landing it was a preview to the next video in which he will expose the complete approach with the latest chart he has got

الخطوط الكويتيه 16-05-2012 01:48 PM

روووعه و الهبوط حيل صعب و مكان المطار صعب ولكن انت بارع و كبتن اصلي لوول ماشاء الله عليك ومنها الي اعلي

aymenalouica 16-05-2012 03:38 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الخطوط الكويتيه (المشاركة 1200516)
روووعه و الهبوط حيل صعب و مكان المطار صعب ولكن انت بارع و كبتن اصلي لوول ماشاء الله عليك ومنها الي اعلي

اولا اعتذر شديد الاعتذار على تاخري في الرد و لكن كما ترى هناك من لا يريد الخير بمنتدانا من خلال اقحامنا في دوامات الحقد و الكراهية و التهديد بالفصل من المنتدى و كانه ملك شخصي مما يعطلنا عن مسيرة التواصل و الاستمتاع بهوايتنا للطيران

ثانيا كل الشكر لك عزيزي على ردك الاكثر من رائع و تشجيعك السامي و كلماتك الجميلة المنتقاة من قاموس رفعتك و ذوقك و نبلك فكل الامتنان في حقك قليل و اتمنى ان اشاهد طيرانك صديقي الاغر

الساعة الآن 07:14 PM.

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