المحادثة بين heba heba و OmarAbdelmajid
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 3 من 3
  1. heba heba
    13-09-2012 01:22 AM
    heba heba
    i am just seeing ur answer now thanx alot for ur answer but maybe this system is changed now because i knew that the exam will be in auc and i was shocked for this so much any way thank u alot and please if u know any thing about the exam system in auc tell me please
  2. OmarAbdelmajid
    09-09-2012 11:03 PM
    fi 120 no3 2as2ella w homma byes2alou 7awaly 15 aw 20 (MAXIMUM) . na3am fi paragraph 3achan ychoufo el level beta3ek fi english w fi 4 2as2ela
  3. OmarAbdelmajid
    09-09-2012 11:01 PM
    I want to tell you there are 120 TYPES of questions and they ask between 15-20

الساعة الآن 01:07 AM.
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