المحادثة بين dou7a و capt.abdulrahman
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 3 من 3
  1. capt.abdulrahman
    02-04-2012 08:26 PM
    this is my number sun 09434482328
  2. capt.abdulrahman
    02-04-2012 08:23 PM
    captain please give me your number in philippines we can meet here in philippines
  3. dou7a
    02-04-2012 06:35 PM
    el slam 3alekom capt. . how are you , firstly I am sorry for disturbing you. I have known from your comments that you are studying right now in the philippenes , i am studying in the phillippens as well actually , i became worried when i realized from ur talking that two egyptian students had a problem with the Ecaa in egypt and iam going to change my current school to another one but i got confused to where i should transfer and i hope i can meet you one day , by the way if you don;t mind where do you study nd stay in philippenes . sorry for disturbing again , I hope you can reply to me .
    best regards

الساعة الآن 07:15 PM.
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