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جمال الصباح 28-12-2008 11:38 AM

حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

أرجو أن تعجبكم هذه المواقف الطريفة
و ترسم البسمة على وجوهكم
و يا ليت اللي عنده مواقف طريفة يكتبها
و يا حبذا لو كانت من الدول العربية خصوصا

ATC: Alitalia 345 continue taxi holding position 26 South via Tango check for workers along taxiway
AZA: Ali345 Taxi 26 Left a via Tango. Workers checked - all are working


ARN851: "Halifax Terminal, Nova 851 with you out of 13,000 for 10,000, requesting runway 15."
Halifax Terminal (female): "Nova 851 Halifax, the last time I gave a pilot what he wanted I was on penicillin for three weeks. Expect runway 06."


Aurora: "Moncton, TRIALS08, we'll be working VFR at 4,500, loitering over the city of Saint John for about the next 10-15 minutes. We'd like radar flight following."
CZQM: "TRIALS08, roger, you're radar identified. Are you aware the city has bylaws against loitering?"
Aurora: "Ah... roger that"


(check the callsign of the answering aircraft)
CZQM: "Nova 895 contact Moncton on 127.12"
ARN871: "Over to 127.12, for Nova 871. We'll talk to you later."
CZQM: "Maybe sooner than you think."
(a few seconds pass...)
ARN871: "Uh, Moncton, they didn't want to talk to us on 127.12..."
CZQM: "See what I mean?"


Lost student pilot: "Unknown airport with Cessna 150 circling overhead, identify yourself."


NY Ctr: "Federal Express 235, descend, maintain three one zero, expect lower in ten miles."
FedEx 235: "Okay, outta three five for three one oh, FedEx two thirty-five."
NY Ctr: "Delta fahv twuntee, climb one ninah zeruh, dat'll be finah..."
Delta 520: "Uhh... up to one niner zero, Delta five twenty."
NY Ctr: "Al-italia wonna sixxa, you slowa to two-a-fifty, please."
Alitalia 16: "HEY! You makea funna Alitalia?!"
NY Ctr: "Oh, no! I make-a funna Delta anna FedEx!"


Tower: Have you got enough fuel or not?
Pilot: Yes.
Tower: Yes what??
Pilot: Yes, SIR


PAO Twr: "Mooney 23D, traffic is a Cherokee just entering downwind from the left 45."
Mooney 23D: "Uhhh, tower, 23D...only traffic I see is a Cessna."
PAO Twr: "Mooney 23D, follow your traffic directly ahead, an, um, inverted Cherokee just abeam the numbers." https://www.gernis.net/vb/images/smilies/smile.gif


Tomahawk: "F-XAA is final 29, touch and go."
Tower: "XAA is cleared touch and go, 29".
(several long circuits later)
Tomahawk: "F-XAA is final 29, touch and go"
Tower: "F-XAA is cleared touch and go, 29. How many more circuits were you planning on making?"
Tomahawk: "We though we'd make one or two more."
Tower: "Roger. I just wondered because we were calculating your landing fees, and you're up to $13,000 now."
(long delay)
Tomahawk: "THAT WAS OUR LAST ONE!!!!!"
(another long delay)
Tower: "Just kidding. Next time, read your flight supplement."


Control: You're unreadable, say again.
Motor-glider: I've turned off the engine, is that better?
Control: (looong pause)


ATC: "Cessna G-ARER What are your intentions? "
Cessna: "To get my Commercial Pilots Licence and Instrument Rating."
ATC: "I meant in the next five minutes not years."


Controller: AF123, say call sign of your wingman.
Pilot: Uh... approach, we're a single ship.
Controller: oooohhh! You have traffic!


Controller: "Speedbird 12, are you a heading?"
Pilot: "We are always a heading."


Korean Air 1234 : "Please say runway and brake situation".
Auckland Tower : "Previously landed Beech twin prop reported half an inch of standing water on runway, no report on braking effectiveness as brakes not required".
Korean Air 1234 : "Ehhh... Say again...".
Auckland Tower : "Previously landed aircraft says did not need to use brakes, ten to fifteen millimeter deep water on runway".
Korean Air 1234 : "Ah ! Thank you !".


O'Hare Approach: USA212, cleared ILS runway 32L approach, maintain speed 250 knots.
USA212: Roger approach, how long do you need me to maintain that speed?
O'Hare Approach: All the way to the gate if you can.
USA212: Ah, OK, but you better warn ground control.


ATC: Pan Am 1, descend to 3,000 ft on QNH 1019.
Pan AM 1: Could you give that to me in inches?
ATC: Pan Am 1, descend to 36,000 inches on QNH 1019


Cessna 152: "Flight Level Three Thousand, Seven Hundred"
Controller: "Roger, contact Houston Space Center"


727 pilot: "Do you know it costs us two thousand dollars to make a 360 in this airplane?"
Controller: "Roger, give me four thousand dollars worth."


Beech Baron: Uh, ATC, verify you want me to taxi in front of the 747.
ATC: Yeah, it's OK. He's not hungry.


Student Pilot: "I'm lost; I'm over a lake and heading toward the big E."
Controller: "Make several 90 degree turns so I can identify you on radar."
(short pause)...
Controller: "Okay then. That lake is the Atlantic Ocean. Suggest you turn to
the big W immediately ..."


Pilot: "Approach, Acme Flt 202, with you at 12,000' and 40 DME."
Approach: "Acme 202, cross 30 DME at and maintain 8000'."
Pilot: "Approach, 202's unable that descent rate."
Approach: "What's the matter 202? Don't you have speed brakes?"
Pilot: "Yup. But they're for my mistakes. Not yours."


Tower: "...and for your information, you were slightly to the left of the centerline on that approach."
Speedbird: "That's correct; and, my First Officer was slightly to the right"


A deer is on the runway... so...
Tower: Cessna XXX cleared for take-off.
Student: "What should I do? What should I do?"
Inst: "What do you think you should do?"
Std: "Maybe if I taxi toward him it'll scare him away."
Inst: "That's a good idea."
(Taxi toward deer, but deer is macho, and holds position.)

Tower: Cessna XXX cleared for take-off, runway NN.
Std: "What should I do? What should I do?"
Inst: "What do you think you should do?"

Std: "Maybe I should tell the tower."
Inst: "That's a good idea."
Std: Cessna XXX, uh, there's a deer down here on the runway.
(long pause)
Tower: Roger XXX, hold your position. Deer on runawy NN cleared for immediate departure.
(Two seconds, and then -- I presume by coincidence -- the deer bolts from the runway, and runs back into the woods.)
Tower: Cessna XXX cleared for departure, runway NN. Caution wake turbulence, departing deer.
It had to be tough keeping that Cessna rolling straight for take-off. https://www.gernis.net/vb/images/smilies/smile.gif


Tower: "Eastern 702, cleared for takeoff"
Eastern 702: "Tower, Eastern 702 switching to departure...by the way as we lifted off we saw some kind of dead animal on the far end of the runway."
Tower: "National 63 cleared for takeoff...did you copy the report from Eastern?"
National 63: "Roger, Tower, cleared for takeoff... yes, we've already notified our caterers."


Controller: "USA353 (sic) contact Cleveland Center 135.60.
Controller: "USA353 contact Cleveland Center 135.60!"
Controller: "USA353 you're just like my wife you never listen!"
Pilot: "Center, this is USA553, maybe if you called her by the right name you'd get a better response!"


Pilot: "Approach, Federated 303's with at 8000' for vectors ILS, full stop.
Approach: "Unable Federated 303. The ILS is out of service."
Pilot: "We'll take the VOR then."
Approach: "Sir, the VOR's in alarm right now. Standby."
Pilot: "OK, guess it'll have to be the ADF then."
Approach: "303, unable the ADF right now for traffic saturation."
Pilot: "OK, approach. State my intentions."


ATC: "N123YZ, say altitude."
ATC: "N123YZ, say airspeed."
ATC: "N123YZ, say cancel IFR."
N123YZ: "Eight thousand feet, one hundred fifty knots indicated."


Tower: "Alpha Charlie, climb to 4000 ft for noise abatement"
Pilot: "How can I possibly be creating excess noise at 2000 ft?"
Tower: "At 4000 ft you will miss the twin coming at you at 2000 ft, and that is bound to avoid one hell of a racket".


Pilot with Southern drawl: Birdseed Approach, Barnburner 123 with ya at seven thousand, with Information -- excuse the expression -- Yankee.


BB: "Barnburner 123, Request 8300 feet."
Bay Approach: "Barnburner 123, say reason for requested altitude."
BB: "Because the last 2 times I've been at 8500, I've nearly been run over by some bozo at 8500 feet going the wrong way!"
Bay: "That's a good reason. 8300 approved."


Pilot: Oakland Ground, Cessna 1234 at Sierra Academy. Taxi, Destination Stockton
Ground: Cessna 1234, Taxi Approved, report leaving the airport


Controller: "FAR1234 confirm your type of aircraft. Are you an Airbus 330 or 340?"
Pilot: "A340 of course!"
Controller: "Then would you mind switching on the two other engines and give me a 1000 feet per minute, please?"


Controller: "AAL235 contact tower on 117.30"
Pilot: "Roger, tower on 123.50"


Controller: "Air Force 53, it appears your engine has... oh... disregard, I see you've already ejected."


Pilot: "Bratislava Tower, this is Oscar Oscar Kilo estabished ILS 16."
Tower: "Oscar Oscar Kilo, Guten Tag, cleared to land 16, wind calm and by the way: this is Wien Tower."
Pilot: (short break) "Bratislava Tower, Oscar Oscar Kilo passed the outer marker."
Tower: "Oscar Oscar Kilo roger, and once more: you are approaching Vienna!"
Pilot: (short break again) "Confirm, this is NOT Bratislava?"
Tower: "You can believe me, this is Vienna!
Pilot: (once again short break) "But why? We want to go to Bratislava, not to Vienna!"
Tower: "Oscar Oscar Kilo, roger. Discontinue approach, turn left and climb to 5000 feet, vectors to Bratislava."


Tower (in Stuttgart): "Lufthansa 5680, reduce to 170 knots."
Pilot: "This is here like Frankfurt. There is also only 210 and 170 knots...But we are flexible."
Tower: "We too. Reduce to 173 knots."


Pilot: "... request heading to avoid."
Controller: "To avoid what?"
Pilot: "To avoid further delay."


Tower: "Hawk 20, is this the same aircraft declaring emergency about two hours ago ?"
Pilot: "Negative, Sir. It's only the same pilot."


Tower: "Delta Zulu Romeo, turn right now and report your heading."
Pilot: "Wilco. 341, 342, 343, 344, 345..."


Pilot Trainee: "Tower, please speak slowly, I am a baby in English and lonely in the cockpit"


Tower: "Hotel Papa Oscar climb four thousand to six thousand and maintain."
Pilot: "Hotel Papa Oscar, climbing flight level 100."
Tower: "Hotel Papa Oscar, climb to flight level 60 and maintain."
Pilot: "But four plus six is ten, isn't it?"
Tower: "You should climb, not add up."


München II Tower: "LH 8610 cleared for take-off."
Pilot (LH 8610): "But we are not even landed."
Tower: Yes, who is then standing at 26 south ? "
Pilot (LH 8801): "LH 8801."
Tower: "OK, then you are cleared for take-off."


London Controller: "CBN438 you are cleared direct Dover VOR."
Pilot: "Roger, copy cleared direct Kosky VOR."
Controller: "Ok, cleared direct Kosky VOR."


Tower: "Aircraft on final, go around, there's an aircraft on the runway!"
Pilot Trainee: "Roger" (pilot continues approach)
Tower: "Aircraft, I said GO AROUND!!!"!
Pilot Trainee: "Roger"
The trainee doesn't react, lands the aircraft on the numbers, rolls to a twin standing in the middle of the runway, goes around the twin and continues to the taxiway.


Controller: "CRX600, are you on course to SUL?"
Pilot: "More or less."
Controller: "So proceed a little bit more to SUL."


Pilot: "Good morning, Frankfurt ground, KLM 242 request start up and push back, please."
Tower: "KLM 242 expect start up in two hours."
Pilot: "Please confirm: two hours delay?"
Tower: "Affirmative."
Pilot: "In that case, cancel the good morning!"


Pilot: "FLX 30, we just have a few gallons of fuel."
Tower: "Please give us your position, we dont see you at the radar!"
Pilot: "We are standing at runway 2 and want to know, when the fuel truck will come!"


<big time eye-roll collection>
Do you have Charlie?
Negative, we left him back at the hanger!

Do you have Echo?
Negative, receiving you loud and clear!

Do you have Hotel?
Negative, We are staying with friends!

Do you have Juliet?
Negative, and please don't say anything to my wife!

Do you have Kilo?
Negative, but I think there a couple roaches in the ashtray!

Do you have Mike?
Negative, I have a push-to-talk button and a headset!

Do you have Oscar?
Negative, but I'm expecting a nomination this year!

Do you have Popa?
Negative, but I wrote him a letter last week!

Do you have Romeo?
Negative, Negative! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Do you have Uniform?
Negative, just jeans and sweatshirt!

Do you have Victor?
Negative, Who is Victor?

Do you have Xray?
Negative, my doctor wants a CAT Scan!

Do you have Whiskey?
Negative, not in last 8 hours, Am I not on assigned heading?


Washington D.C., Clearance Delivery: "GAF269, you are cleared to destination Indian Springs via after take off radar vectors to 4000 feet thereafter present position direct BOM do not pass BOM at 6000 feet or below after passing 15000 feet turn right on heading 280 to intercept J156 direct ZZT thereafter intercept J158 own navigation read back."
GAF 269: "Roger German Air Force 269 is cleared to Destination Indian Springs via after take off radar vectors to 4000 feet thereafter present position direct BOM do not pass BOM at 6000 feet or below after passing 15000 feet turn right on heading 280 to intercept J156 direct ZZT thereafter intercept J158 own navigation and I need another pencil."


A classic, sounds like an average day answering bug reports:

Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by US Air Force pilots and the replies from the maintenance crews. "Squawks" are problem listings that pilots generally leave for maintenance crews.

Problem: "Left inside main tire almost needs replacement."
Solution: "Almost replaced left inside main tire."

Problem: "Test flight OK, except autoland very rough."
Solution: "Autoland not installed on this aircraft."

Problem: "Something loose in cockpit."
Solution: "Something tightened in cockpit."

Problem: "Evidence of hydraulic leak on right main landing gear."
Solution: "Evidence removed."

Problem: "Number three engine missing."
Solution: "Engine found on right wing after brief search."

Problem: "DME volume unbelievably loud."
Solution: "Volume set to more believable level."

Problem: Dead bugs on windshield.
Solution: Live bugs on order.

Problem: Noise behind left panels. Sounds like a little man with hammer.
Solution: Took hammer from little man.

Problem: Autopilot in altitude hold mode produces a 200 fpm descent.
Solution: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

Problem: IFF inoperative.
Solution: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.

Problem: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
Solution: That's what they're there for.

Problem: Aircraft handles funny
Solution: Aircraft warned to straighten up, “fly right” and be serious

Problem: Target Radar hums
Solution: Reprogrammed Target Radar with the words

final app 29-12-2008 09:57 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

يعطيك الف عافية


وراجع لك بس اتذكر شي :iconloli:

تأبط خيرا 30-12-2008 02:44 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
الله يعطيك العافية وعندي شوية قصص مع

الطيارين المصريين المراقبين السعوديين

في رادار المراقبه بجده كان هناك طائره مصريه ( وأكيد كابتن مصري ) المهم المراقب في سنتر جده أعطى الأولوية للطيارة السعوديه في مرحلة الإقتراب النهائي .......ولكن الطيارة السعودية مرت من جنب الطيارة المصرية وكانت قريبه منها جدا , المهم الكابتن المصري خاف لما شاف الطياره السعوديه فجأه ماره من قدامه قام يسأل عنها من الكنترول بأسلوب فيه نبرة صوت عاليه شوي فقال المراقب في جده

i have 3 miles separation between all of you and he is far away from you now

فقال الكابتن المصري ........ ياعم حرام عليك دنا شفت شنبوه ....... يقصد شنب الطيار السعودي هههههههههه

مراقب البرج في جده مره أعطى طياره سعوديه ( بوينق 747 )
number 1 for start up and push back
وطياره باكستانية number 2 والطياره المصريه أعطاها number 3 وأعطاهم full information عن بعض


أخونا المراقب أنشغل بطيارات ثانيه وفجأه إلا وكبتن الطيارة السعودية الـ 747 يقول :

jeddah tower confirm are we still number one for taxi ??Q

ويناظر المراقب الا والطياره المصريه الايرباص صارت هي number 1 وصارت قدام الطيارتين السعودية والباكستانية والسعودية صارت number 2 :shocking:

قام المراقب يبغى يتكلم عليه على الموجه ؤ ليش ما اتبع التعليمات
فقال الطيار المصري ((( ياعم اول ما شاء الله ))) ....... قلبها سباق سيارات ههههههههههه

مصري ثاني طلبه المراقب الجويي ( up grade ) لأخوه كان معاه على نفس الطياره من جده الى القاهره فقال الكابتن والله الدرجه الاولى فللللل بس حنزود له شوية سكر على الشاي ....

وطيار مصري كان يبغى دايركت وكلم المراقب الجوي بجده فرفض المراقب ( لأنه كان مشغول ) وبعدها بشوي الا وصوت ناعم يكلمه من الطياره المصريه يطلبه في الدايركت مره ثانيه !!!!!! المراقب في جده فهم السالفه وعرف ان الكابتن المصري جاب المضيفه علشان تطلب الدايركت فقالها
maintain the airway and back to your pasengers

H_M_S 30-12-2008 03:21 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

والله الطياار المصري كوييييييييس


استراليا 04-01-2009 12:12 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه ههههههههههههههههههههههههه
هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه ههههههههههههههه
هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه هههه

العالمي999 07-01-2009 03:09 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

Saddam 07-01-2009 04:44 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
ههههههه الحوار ... شيق جدي

وبالذات شفت شنبو هههههههه

ضحكت لين بطني وجعني الله يسعدك ..
مشكورين على الحوارات الجويه الشيقه :P

capitano 07-01-2009 07:40 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
الله يعطيكم العافيه........

pilot 87 08-01-2009 05:20 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
ههههههههههه و الله حالة فلم هالطيار

طيار السعوديه 08-01-2009 05:41 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

مافي تفاهم المصري

احلى تحيه لك ياتابط خيرا

واحلى تحيه للشعب المصري الشقيق والشكر موصول لكاتب الموضوع الاخ جمال

alrheeb7 08-01-2009 07:28 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
اليوم طياره قطريه 10 مايل قبل لاتنزل الطيار يسال : دوها تاور قطري .... فرد عليه البرج قاله قطري ... دوها تاور الا شوي الطيار يقول متى ياذن الفجر البرج رد عليه يقوله الحين قاعد اسمع ياذن المهم مت ضحك يوم سمعتهم يتكلمون جييه

shreef.elgendy 09-01-2009 06:44 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
شكرا على المواقف المضحكة ديه
توضح لك قد ايه فيه ناس دمها خفيف جدا
و ناس متخلفة جدا

CONTROLLER 10-01-2009 01:13 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
والله روعه قمه في الروعه يعطيك العافيه

إمبراطور الطيران 10-01-2009 01:32 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

فيه مره ببرج مراقبة مطار البحرين

طائرة على الفاينل ابروش وتكلم التاور

Bahrain Tower Salam alikm GFA525 ILS 30R

المراقبة في برج المراقبة ترد وتقول hi dady clear to land runway 30R:iconloli:

بالصدفة طلع الطيار هو الاب وبرج المراقبة هي البنت :crazy_pilot:

الجناح_الذهبي 10-01-2009 01:56 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
كان عندنا طيار مصري في الخطوط السعوديه ومن احلى الطيارين ويتميز بروح الدعابه ومره طلب دايركت رووت من نجران الى جده فقاله المراقب انت امر ياكابتن تبغى دايركت فين سكت الكابتن المصري وقله عاوز دايركت ل 3-1 وهذ موقع البوابه الي المفروض توقف فيها الطياره .

راعي فنون القتال 10-01-2009 01:59 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
هاهاهاهاها حلوة منك

ابونوف 10-01-2009 02:33 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
ههههههههههه الله يعطيك العافية

الجناح_الذهبي 10-01-2009 03:02 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة تأبط خيرا (المشاركة 452879)

مصري ثاني طلبه المراقب الجويي ( up grade ) لأخوه كان معاه على نفس الطياره من جده الى القاهره فقال الكابتن والله الدرجه الاولى فللللل بس حنزود له شوية سكر على الشاي ....

متخفش حنتوصى بيه حنزود له سكر على الشاي دا دمه عسل اسعدك الله اخي.

هنـــد 20-03-2009 10:34 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة alrheeb7 (المشاركة 458987)
اليوم طياره قطريه 10 مايل قبل لاتنزل الطيار يسال : دوها تاور قطري .... فرد عليه البرج قاله قطري ... دوها تاور الا شوي الطيار يقول متى ياذن الفجر البرج رد عليه يقوله الحين قاعد اسمع ياذن المهم مت ضحك يوم سمعتهم يتكلمون جييه


عجبني والله:onlinelong:

صج اللي في قلبة الصلاة ماتفوته

يعطيك العافية الرهيب:mic-me:

عاشق الطيارات 20-03-2009 04:19 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
هههههههه..مقاطع طريفة ومضحكه ..ههههه..... يسلمو اياديكم..

airspace 13-04-2009 04:56 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين

so funny thanks alot

aboyazeed 16-04-2009 03:50 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
اذكر يوم اني اتعشيت عند واحد من شباب المراقبه الجويه وكان طابخ بايده لانه عزوبي والكبسه طلعت من ايده ولا اروع وثاني يوم كانت عندي رحله وكان صاحبنا مداوم وكان على نفس الفركونسي وماقصر وعطاني دايركت ..... رديت عليه وقلت مشكور وتسلم ايدك ..... سكت شوي رجعت قلت اقصد على الدايركت طبعا :celebrate14:

airfrance 16-04-2009 04:34 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
يعطيك العافية

Capt.Nawara 18-04-2009 02:28 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
يعطيك 1000 عافية
جدا مضحك خصوصا اللKLM
سحب القودمورنينق من حر مافي قلبه على التو أورز ديلاي لووووول
وهذا كل اللي ممكن يطلع بإيده يسويه لووول
كسر خاطري لول

سلمت الأيادي ياكابتن

Mr-lonely 18-04-2009 02:53 AM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
ههههه الشنب موت ضحك شاف الشنب ههه

يسلمو اخوي

Moaiad 20-04-2009 04:38 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
فعلاُ موافق طريفة

Mohamed85 20-04-2009 06:31 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
جزاك الله خيرا اخى مواقف طريفا تقبل تحياتى

Mohamed85 20-04-2009 06:32 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
جزاك الله خيرا اخى مواقف طريفة والف شكر على المجهود
تقبل تحياتى

saleem abdullah 22-04-2009 08:37 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
so funny
i liked it ,,especially the first part hhhhhhhhhhhh

Captain-Ahmed 23-04-2009 04:05 PM

رد: حوارات طريفة بين الطيارين و المراقبين
ضحكتني مع اني زعلان ....

الله يسعدك :)

الساعة الآن 09:20 PM.

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