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-   -   صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق .. (https://www.flyingway.com/vb/showthread.php?t=7028)

Abo zeyad 10-04-2007 11:42 PM

صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
السلام عليكم ..

الصورة التالية للطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 التي احترقت بعد هبوط إضطراري في مطار الرياض في 19 أغسطس 1980 بسبب حريق في مخزن الأمتعة و بالرغم من ان الطائرة هبطت بسلام الا أن جميع من فيها بمن فيهم طاقم الطائرة ماتوا بسبب الحريق وعددهم 301 والسبب تأخر إجراءات الإخلاء ..


DUBAI ATCO 11-04-2007 12:18 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
صورة مرعبة __ الله يعطيك العافية يا كابتن

صمت الليل 11-04-2007 02:26 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
حادثه مؤؤؤلمه,,,
الله يرحمهم ويسكنهم فسيح جناته,,,

مشكور اخي على الصوره...

إمبراطور الطيران 11-04-2007 05:30 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لاحول الله
شكرا على الصورة اخي

redbaron 11-04-2007 05:39 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
مشكور اخي وانا لله وانا له رجعين

A.T.M.Pilot 11-04-2007 06:12 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
يعطيك العافية أخوي على الصورة
والله يرحمهم أجمعين
ومثل هذه الحوادث نادرة والحمد لله

السوبر فايزر1 12-04-2007 12:45 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لاحول ولاقوة الا با لله

a340qr 12-04-2007 12:47 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لاحول ولاقوة الا با لله الله يرحمهم جميعا وبارك الله فيك اخوي على الصوره

.::قوية بربي::. 12-04-2007 12:53 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..

الصورة تخرع

لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

يعطيك ألف عافيه كابتن وإن شاء الله ما تتكرر هالحوادث مرة ثانية

المربوش 20-04-2007 04:10 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
مشكوره اختي قويه وأحب اقول لكم عن بعض تفاصيل الرحله هذي واللي نقول الله يرحمهم برحمته
تم عرض بعض تفاصيل الرحله عن طريق سيناريو تم اعداده بعد الكشف عن بعض التفاصيل من الصندوق الاسود واللي عرض عندنا وانا من الحاضرين اللي شافو هالسيناريو
اقلعت الطائره من مطار الرياض سابقاً ( القديم ) في مساء احد الايام وبعد الاقلاع بدقائق معدوده جاهم انذار حريق وكان قائد الطائره سعودي ومساعده والمهندس الجوي اجانب طلب قائد الطائره من مساعده الاتصال وطلب اذن العوده الى المطار وقام المساعد بالطلب ولكن من كان بالبرج لم يسمع الطلب بوضوح وقال المراقب الجوي( say again) وقال بالاتصال الثاني اعلان الطوارئ ولم يكن المراقب يعلم السبب لان مساعد الطيار لم يعطي اشاره واضحه اللهم انه طلب اعلان حالة الطوارئ على الطائره وكان اول الاخطاء
الخطأ الثاني عندما طلب من المهندس الجوي ما هي المشكله كان المهندس الجوي كبير بالعمر وقال المهندس الجوي (every thing is ok no problem ) وكان المهندس الجوي يحاول ايجاد حل للمشكله في كتابه (emergency check list ) ولم يجد الحل ويقول نفس كلامه السابق لا مشكله كل شي تمام
ثالثاً دخلت احدى مضيفات الطائره وهي تبكي وتقول حريق حريق حريق وفي هذه الاثناء تم وصول الطائره الى المدرج والنزول بسلام وطلب قائد الطائره اخلاء الطائره حال النزول ولكن انقطعت الاتصالات بعد ذلك عندما توقفت الطائره ولم ينزل احد هذا والله اعلم

كابتن001 04-05-2007 04:17 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
الله يرحمهم ........

Abdelrhman 24-05-2007 12:57 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله
دي الطيارة لم يتبقى منها أي حاجه !
الله يرحم الركاب اللي كانوا فيها
شكرا على الصور يا باشا

ولد المقاتلات 19-06-2007 02:38 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
مشكور على الصورة

عمر1 19-06-2007 09:32 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
معقول كل هذا تسوبه النار

عبد الله الحاج 21-06-2007 08:27 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
مشكور على الصوره

B_787 23-06-2007 09:37 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
مشكور أخوي , ورحم الله أموات المسلمين

جون بارنز 28-06-2007 03:37 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
اسمحوا لي ان اضع بين ايديكم التسجيل الحقيقي لهذه الرحلة على شكل ترانسكربت:

August 19, 1980
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabian Airlines, 163
Lockheed 1011-200 TriStar

The flight experienced fire in the aft cargo compartment 6 minutes after takeoff from Rilyadh. The plane returned to the airport and landed but because of a delay in evacuating the plane, all aboard were killed by smoke and fire. Half a minute before landing the captain decided not to order an emergency evacuation. When he landed, he did not stop immediately but instead proceeded to make a normal landing delaying the fire equipment from putting out the fire. It took a full twenty-three minutes after touchdown before the doors were opened. The failure of the captain to prepare the cabin crew for immediate evacuation upon landing and his failure in not making a maximum stop landing on the runway, with immediate evacuation. All 301 aboard were killed.

CAM-1 = Captain
CAM-2 = First Officer
CAM-3 = Flight Engineer
CAM-4 = Flight Attendant
RDO-2 = Radio transmission by First Officer
PA = Public address system
TMACC = Riyadh Terminal Area Control Center
TWR = Riyadh Tower

18:07:49 Takeoff
18.14:53 CAM ((Hostess call signal followed by an alternating tone at 14.54)
18.14:58 CAM-3 "B" aft cargo
CAM-1 What?
18.15:01 CAM-3 "B" aft cargo
18.15:04 CAM-2 What's going on?
18.15:10 CAM-3 Smoke detection "B" aft cargo
18.15:14 CAM-1 Stop ventilation
18.15:16 CAM-3 Smoke detection
CAM-3 Smoke detection "B" aft cargo
18.15:20 CAM-1 In "B" aft cargo
CAM-3 Yes
18.15:32 CAM-1 Did you turn it to the other one?
18.15:37 CAM-3 Just in "B".
CAM-1 What?
18.15:39 CAM-3 Not in "A".
CAM-3 Just in "B".
CAM-1 Just "B".
18.15:42 CAM-3 Yeah, "A" is okay.
CAM-1 Okay, so we can go on
CAM-3 Yes
18.15:51 CAM-1 The ventilation is not working at all in that one
CAM-3 Yeah
CAM ((Alternating tone))
18.15:55 CAM-3 There is "A"
CAM-1 What?
CAM-3 Now it is "A", both of them
18.15:59 CAM-1 So we got to be returning back right?
CAM-3 Both "A" and "B" aft cargo smoke detection
18.16:06 CAM-1 So we have smoke there
18.16:07 CAM-3 I would say so, yeah
18.16:18 CAM-1 What's the procedure for it in the checklist?
18.16:20 CAM-1 Yeah I am looking for it now
18.17:10 CAM-1 ((Singing in Arabic))
18.17:16 CAM-1 See that, what's it's name
18.17:17 CAM-2 Abnormal
18.17:19 CAM-1 No, no checklist abnormal
18.18:26 CAM-3 Both "A" and "B"
CAM-3 Yeah. Both "A" and "B"
CAM-3 Shall I test it again and see if it will test?
CAM-1 Yeah
18.18:34 CAM-3 It doesn't test
CAM-1 Doesn't test?
CAM-3 Both off
CAM-1 So that's actual isn't it?
18.18:54 CAM-3 That would ah --- I would say actual, yeah
CAM-1 Uh
CAM-3 I would say so, yeah both of them went
18.19:00 CAM-1 We have cleared the situation
18.19:17 CAM-1 There isn't anything about it in the abnormal procedures, huh.
18.19:20 CAM-3 Nothing about it, should I just go back there and see if I can find anything or smell anything?
18.19:25 CAM-1 What?
18.19:26 CAM-3 Shall I go back there and see if I can smell anything?
CAM-1 Okay, sure.
CAM-3 Yeah
CAM ((Sound of cockpit door opening))
18.19:30 CAM-1 Have they seen it
CAM-3 If I can see, smell something I'm think we better go back
18.19:35 CAM-1 Surely check it
CAM-3 We'll see
18.19:40 CAM ((Sound similar to cockpit door slamming))
18.19:41 CAM-2 Strange no procedure for it
CAM-1 No procedure for it?
18.19:44 CAM-1 Tell them we're returning back
CAM-2 To Riyadh
18.19:48 CAM-1 We are 60 miles out ah ---
18.19:58 CAM-1 We better go, go back to Riyadh
CAM-1 Look in the abnormal
CAM-1 By the way he's a jackass, in the abnormal it is in the checklist
18.20:16 CAM-3 We've got a fire back there
CAM ((Sound similar to door slamming))
18.20:18 CAM-1 We do?
CAM-3 Yes we do
CAM-1 It's okay call please
18.20:25 CAM-1 Tell him we're coming back
18.20:25 TMACC Go ahead
18.20:27 RDO-2 18.1-6-3, we're coming back to Riyadh
18.20:30 CAM-3 I would declare an emergency
CAM-1 Yeah
18.20:33 TMACC Cleared to reverse course to Riyadh and request reason
CAM-2 Declare emergency?
18.20:36 CAM ((Door slams))
18.20:37 CAM-? Fire, fire in the cabin
18.20:37 RDO-2 Saudia one six three, we've got fire in the cabin and please alert the fire trucks
CAM ((Noise similar to door slamming))
18.20:45 TMACC Okay and cleared back and if you'd like to descend, you can descend to any altitude you like
18.20:50 CAM-1 Okay
CAM-2 I already asked, I already asked
18.23:07 CAM-3 We definitely want
18.23:10 CAM-3 We definitely, we definitely want preference to land
CAM-1 Huh?
18.23:13 CAM-3 We definitely want preference to land, that's for sure
CAM-1 Yeah
18.23:22 CAM-1 Pressurization set? ---
CAM ((cabin announcement - unintelligible))
18.23:27 CAM-1 Okay
18.23:32 CAM-2 No smoking sign on
CAM-1 Okay, no smoking sign
18.23:36 CAM-1 Landing preliminary
18.23:40 CAM-3 Okay landing preliminary
18.23:41 CAM-3 18.1-42 on the bug
CAM-1 one forty-two
18.23:42 CAM-2 one forty-two
CAM-3 Anti-ice
CAM-1 Off
18.23:50 CAM-3 HSI heading
CAM-1 Set
18.23:51 CAM-3 Seatbelt sign
CAM-1 On
CAM-3 Ah
CAM-3 Logo light
CAM-1 It's okay
18.23:55 CAM-3 Logo light
CAM-1 Checked
18.23:58 CAM-3 Altimeters
CAM-1 Altimeters is gonna be what it is
CAM-1 It was 1-0-0-2 setting
18.24:03 CAM-3 Okay, and airspeed, groundspeed, airspeed and EPR bugs
18.24:16 CAM-3 Gross weight estimates
18.24:16 CAM ((Sound of alternating tone)) ((Smoke detector aural warning))
18.24:21 CAM-3 What can I say
18.24:22 CAM-1 Okay
CAM-3 I think it's all right now
CAM-1 Okay
18.24:25 CAM-2 one one zero
CAM-3 Gross weight airspeed and EPR bugs
CAM-1 Set and cross checked, one forty two set here two and one five five check
CAM-2 One five five
CAM-3 Check
18.24:40 CAM-1 Keep the oxygen to be prepared
18.24:41 CAM-3 ((Sound of alternating tone three times simultaneously with above))
CAM-3 There goes "A"
PA # # # #
18.24:49 CAM-1 ((Singing in Arabic))
18.24:59 PA Would passengers please remain seated
18.25:04 CAM-2 Six point eight
CAM-1 Huh?
CAM-2 Six point eight on the QNH
CAM-2 One zero zero six decimal eight
CAM-? ((Continuous talk by female voice in background))
18.25:12 CAM-1 Okay zero six decimal eight
18.25:26 CAM-1 Okay the throttle in engine number two, it's not returning back --- stuck
CAM-3 Stuck?
18.25:32 CAM-1 Stuck
18.25:36 CAM-3 I would leave it the way it is, Sir
CAM ((Sound of knocking))
CAM-1 Huh?
CAM-3 Just leave it the way it is.
18.25:40 CAM-1 I'm going to shut it down
18.25:41 CAM-4 We tried to, we tried to put it off, at L4 there is a fire
CAM-3 There's a fire?
CAM-4 Yeah
CAM-3 Well go put it out
18.25:45 TMACC One six three, did you get the message to get us the passengers on board and fuel endurance
CAM-4 How
18.25:47 CAM-3 In the ah, --- the fire extinguisher
CAM-4 I know I said we will do it
18.25:50 CAM-3 There is a fire back there
CAM-1 Okay
18.25:54 CAM ((Sound similar to door slamming))
18.25:55 CAM-1 Tell them we have actual fire in the cabin
18.25:59 RDO-2 Riyadh Saudi Arabia one six three, we have an actual fire in the cabin now
18.26:07 CAM-3 Shall I let Jeddah know on HF?
CAM-1 No
18.26:10 TMACC Saudi one six three roger, the fire are in the standby position and they are ready
CAM-3 No?
CAM-1 Not with our situation
18.26:17 RDO-2 One six three
18.26:18 PA L4 and R4 get the fire extinguishers from the galley --- ((repeated))
18.26:29 CAM-3 Geez lets go on as fast as we can till we can get to approach
18.26:31 CAM-1 That's it, this is the maximum
CAM-3 Yeah
18.26:34 CAM-1 Now engine number two is stuck there so something is wrong in it, I'm gonna be shut it down
18.26:39 CAM ((Sound similar to cockpit call chime))
18.26:40 CAM-3 Well not yet, not yet, not yet
18.26:42 CAM-4 There is no way I can go to the back * * after L2 R2 because the people are fighting in the aisles
CAM-3 Okay find a way if you can
18.26:53 CAM-4 L4 R4 L3 R3 * * open the cabinet and use all your fire extinguishers and the CO2
18.27:02 CAM-3 I'll keep your speed up as long as possible
CAM-1 Okay
CAM-1 As soon as possible we're gonna be down
18.27:16 PA (All passengers remain in your seats, etc.)
18.27:21 CAM-3 And your target speed is one forty one
CAM-1 Huh one forty one is set
18.27:30 CAM-3 Here's the bug card
18.27:32 CAM-1 Thank you
18.27:39 CAM-2 Set on mine
18.27:40 PA Please, everybody set down, move out of the way, everybody sit down, move out of the aisle, there is no danger from the airplane, everybody should stay in their seats
PA Sit on your seat, sit on your seat, ladies and gentlemen take your seat --- nothing will happen to aircraft, ladies and gentlemen fasten your seatbelt, don't stand like this set on your seats -- sit down, sit down [in Urdu]
18.28:03 CAM-3 Piece of cake, piece of cake
18.28:10 CAM-3 As soon as we land, sir, I suggest that we turn off all fuel valves
18.28:14 CAM-1 Okay
CAM-3 As soon as we land
CAM-1 Okay
18.28:17 CAM-3 As soon as we touch down
CAM-1 Okay
18.28:22 CAM-1 Where is the runway?
CAM-1 Can you see the runway?
18.28:27 CAM-2 No not yet, not yet
18.28:29 CAM-2 Twenty eight miles
CAM-? # # #
18.28:40 CAM-3 Did you tell the fire trucks to go to the back of the airplane as soon as possible
CAM-2 Yeah
CAM-1 Huh
PA Will all passengers remain seated, will all passengers remain seated, ((Urdu)) --- ladies and gentlemen sit down, sit down (repeated)
CAM-1 Advise them
CAM-1 Huh
CAM-2 Advise them?
18.28:50 CAM-1 How?
18.28:50 RDO-2 Riyadh one six three
CAM-2 Advise them
18.28:52 TWR Go ahead
CAM ((Sound of two knocks))
CAM-1 Yeah, yeah
18.28:54 RDO-2 Please advise fire trucks to be at tail of the airplane after touch, please.
18.28:59 TWR Yes, will do
18.29:01 CAM-1 Where is the airport, I don't see it?
CAM-4 Captain there is too much smoke in the back
CAM-2 There is the airport road, the yellow lamps are the airport road.
CAM-1 Huh
CAM-2 The yellow lamps are the airport road
CAM-1 That
CAM-2 Yeah
CAM-4 # # #
CAM-1 Are there too much smoke there?
18.29:34 CAM-3 Okay, I am going to test the system again
18.29:36 CAM ((Sound of alternating tone)) ((Smoke detector))
18.29:38 CAM-3 Okay, there's both "A" and "B" loops working again
18.29:44 CAM-3 And no indication of smoke
18.29:46 CAM-1 Huh
18.29:47 CAM-3 No ah indication of smoke, however, the cabin is filled with smoke in the back
CAM-1 Okay
18.29:53 CAM-1 Now the number two is stuck there the engine
CAM-1 Okay
18.29:56 CAM-3 I suggest we shut it down on short final
18.29:59 CAM ((Sound of alternating tone))
18.29:59 CAM-1 Yeah, on short final
18.30:01 CAM-3 Okay, there is "A" again
18.30:03 CAM-3 And "A" is going out
18.30:20 CAM ((Sound similar to door movement))
18.30:27 PA ((Passenger exhorting passengers to sit down))
18.30:35 CAM-3 What is he saying?
CAM-2 Trying to keep them calm, keep the down
18.30:41 CAM-1 Okay flaps four please
18.30:45 CAM-1 Okay, final to the box
18.30:47 CAM-2 Final to the box please
18.30:52 CAM ((Sound similar to seat movement))
18.30:56 PA Everybody sit down please, all passengers
18.31:00 CAM-1 Okay flaps ten please, correction, it's okay
CAM ((Sound of cough))
CAM-? *
CAM-2 They are the first people
CAM-1 What?
CAM-2 They are the first people
CAM-1 Who are they?
18.31:13 CAM-2 They are the people we were talking about
CAM-1 Huh
CAM-2 They are the people we were talking about
18.31:18 CAM-1 Where is the airport I don't see it
CAM-2 You see those lights over there, that's the stadium
18.31:22 CAM-2 I got the field in sight
18.31:25 CAM-1 I am just trying to intercept this (radial)
CAM-2 Okay
18.31:30 CAM-4 Shall we evacuate?
CAM-1 What?
18.31:31 CAM-4 Did you say we should evacuate ---
CAM-1 Okay
CAM-4 The passengers
CAM-3 Say again
CAM-4 Can we evacuate all the passengers?
18.31:34 CAM-1 Flaps ten please
CAM-3 When we're on the ground yes
CAM-4 Okay after we are on the ground yes
CAM-2 Flaps ten
CAM-1 Yeah
18.31:38 CAM-1 Final to the box !
18.31:40 CAM-2 Final to the box please
18.31:41 CAM-3 Final to the box
18.31:42 CAM-3 Okay ignition
CAM-2 On
CAM-3 No smoking sign
CAM-2 Say again
18.31:48 CAM-3 No smoking sign
CAM-2 On
18.31:49 CAM-3 Altimeters
CAM-2 Set, cross checked
CAM-3 Brake pressure
CAM-2 Checked
18.31:51 CAM-3 Radio and R NAV selector
CAM-2 Check
18.31:54 CAM-3 Okay complete to the box
18.31:58 CAM-3 Okay, right after landing sir do you want me to turn off all fuel valves?
18.32:02 CAM-1 No after we have stopped the aircraft
CAM-3 Okay
18.32:05 CAM-1 Okay, I'll tell you
18.32:10 CAM-4 Do you want us to evacuate passengers Captain?
CAM-1 What?
CAM-4 Do you want us to evacuate the passengers as soon as we stop
18.32:16 CAM-1 Take your position
CAM-4 Okay
18.32:19 CAM-3 The area duct overheat
CAM ((Sound similar to door shutting))
CAM-1 Okay
CAM-1 Flaps eighteen please
18.32:23 CAM-2 One eight
18.32:25 PA Flight attendants please take your position
CAM-4 Flight attendants please take your positions
18.32:31 CAM-2 Got runway in sight?
18.32:33 RDO-2 Riyadh, one six three, we got the runway in sight, are we cleared to land?
CAM-1 Oh yeah, I see it
PA Please take your positions
18.32:36 TMACC Affirmative, you are number one cleared for approach and you can continue tower one eighteen one
18.32:42 RDO-2 Eighteen one, one six three
18.32:44 RDO-2 Riyadh, Saudia one six three ten miles final runway in sight, cleared to land?
CAM-4 All of you sit down
18.32:48 TWR One six three cleared to land, wind three two zero at five
18.32:48 CAM-1 Okay I'm shutting
PA Fasten seatbelts all of you sit down [in Urdu]
18.32:52 CAM-1 Okay, I'm shutting down engine number two
CAM-1 It's stuck, present EPR
18.32:53 RDO-2 One six three, cleared to land, confirm you have alerted the fire trucks
CAM-3 Okay
CAM-1 Okay
CAM-3 Okay
18.32:58 TWR Affirmative, they are ready
18.32:59 CAM-1 Okay, it is coming down
18.33:01 RDO-2 Thank you
CAM-3 All right
CAM-1 Okay
18.33:06 CAM-2 Flaps in eighteen
18.33:08 CAM-3 I'll keep our speed up as much as possible
CAM-1 Okay, flaps twenty two
CAM-2 Flaps twenty two
CAM-4 Give me your attention please, be seated ladies and gentlemen, we are about to land there's no reason to panic
18.33:22 CAM-3 I'll give you a hundred and fifty down, okay
CAM-1 What?
18.22:23 CAM-3 A hundred and fifty on down
CAM-1 Yeah sure
18.33:29 PA We're about to land ladies and gentlemen place your hands behind your head for impact, girls demonstrate impact position, girls demonstrate impact position
18.33:31 CAM-1 Gear down please
CAM-2 Gear is coming down
18.33:35 CAM-3 Okay, you can go one ninety
CAM-1 Good
18.33:40 CAM-1 There is no, any procedure for the two engine, it's the same as three
CAM-2 Okay
CAM-3 Yeah
18.33:45 CAM-1 I just want to confirm it, I know it God damn it
18.33:52 CAM-1 Tell him that engine number two is should be shut down --- it's stuck
18.33:57 CAM-2 Okay
18.33:58 CAM-1 Tell the tower
CAM-2 Yeah
18.34:00 CAM-1 Yeah, we just have engine number one
18.34:02 RDO-2 Tower Saudia one six three
18.34:04 PA The girls have demonstrated impact position, please go down half a minute before touhdown, it's half a minute before touchdown, hands behind your head
18.34:06 TWR Go ahead one six three, wind three two zero at five
CAM-1 Number one and number three
18.34:10 RDO-2 One six three is cleared to land, we have engine number two shut down, we have only one and three
18.34:17 TWR Copied today
PA Everybody, please sit down, everything's under control, we are landing back at Riyadh, please it down and fasten your seatbelts, sit down and fasten your seatbelts, please
CAM-1 Okay
18.34:20 RDO-2 Okay
18.34:25 CAM-1 Complete the final checklist
CAM-2 Complete, flaps
18.34:26 CAM-3 Okay, your altimeters are one zero zero seven, set and cross checked three ways, gear and anti-skid is down and checked and your flaps are at thir- twenty two
18.34:39 CAM-1 Yeah, I know it
18.34:44 CAM-3 Both loops "A" and "B" are out
CAM-1 Thank you
18.34:53 PA Ladies and gentlemen, no need to panic, place your hands behind your head for impact position [Urdu]
18.35:06 CAM-3 Aft cargo door is opened sir
18.35:11 CAM-1 Check
CAM-3 No problem
PA Now ladies and gentlemen, may I ask you to please put your hands behind your heads for the impact position
18.35:56 CAM-3 Looking good
18.35:57 CAM-1 Tell them, tell them to not evacuate
18.36:01 PA Put your hand behind your head and head between your knees, hands behind your head
CAM ((Sound similar to door opening))
18.36:07 CAM-3 No need for that, we are okay, no problem, no problem
18.36:12 GPWS Minimum --- minimum
18.36:12 CAM-1 One hundred
CAM-3 One hundred
18.36:15 CAM ((Loud squeal begins and continues until end of CVR tape))
18.36:18 CAM-3 Fifty
18.36:19 CAM-3 Forty
18.36:21 CAM-3 Thirty
18.36:22 CAM ((Loud squeal))
((End of CVR tape))
18.36:30 approximate time of landing

السيد نواف 30-06-2007 11:28 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
امابعد :
اشكر الاخ (vision)
على ما طرح مات او توفي عدد من الاقارب في هذه الطائرة ترايستار L-1011
رحلة 163 والمتجهة من الرياض الى جدة بعد Immedite stopلان الطائرة كانت قادمة من كراتشي قائد الطائرة كان من خيرة الطيارين لدى الخطوط السعودية الكاببتن/عبدالعزيز الخويطر/
ومساعدة/ابراهيم العياف /واهله موجودين بالرياض حاليا بحي النسيم
وقع الحادث يوم الثلاثاء 8/8/1400ه
ولم يقبل الكابتن الخويطر طلب رجال الاطفاء ليخرجوه من الطائره
وقال اذا خرجوا الركاب انا اخر من سيخرج
وكانت هذه اخر الكلمات التي قالها قبل وفاته ولم تكن مسجلة عن طريق الصندوق الاسود
يذكر احد كبار السن لي شخصيا ان شاحنات الكبيرة او الثلاجات كانت تقل الجثث الى مستشفى الشميسي بالرياض ليتم التعرف على الجثث
وبالمناسبه كانت هذه الحادثه الاولى للخطوط السعودية وكانت حادثة غريبة الاسباب البعض يزعم ان السبب كان pressirization system
او اجهزة ضغط الهواء والبعض قال المحرك رقم 2
والبعض قال affet cargo3 قمرة الشحن 3 رحمهم الله جميعا لقد كان الخبر علي حينها كالصاعقة وهول الموقف كان اكثر من مريع
من بين الضحايا اعلاميين معروفين
1-الاستاذ طلعت ابو جبال
2- الاستاذ مطلق الذيابي
يذكر انه وفي نفس السنة تعرضت احدى طائرات السعودية في 23 ديسمبر 1980م من طراز ترايستارL-1011
لسقوط 2 من ركابها اثنا تحليقها فوق مياه الخليج بسبب فجوة ادت الى انفتاح احد الابواب !!
لست ادري ما هو السبب الحقيقي لهذا الحادث
ارجوا الافادة

مالك 01-07-2007 11:01 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
رحم الله الجميع

عاشق البحطيط 03-07-2007 04:58 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
الله يرحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين 00 حادث شنيع 00

* الريـان * 08-07-2007 02:06 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله

D.M 19-07-2007 05:55 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

Commercial Pilot 21-07-2007 08:11 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
سلمت أخي الكريم
وللمعلومية فقائد الطائرة هو المرحوم الكابتن محمد الخويطر
هذا ما احببت ايضاحة
يذكر انه وفي نفس السنة تعرضت احدى طائرات السعودية في 23 ديسمبر 1980م من طراز ترايستارL-1011
لسقوط 2 من ركابها اثنا تحليقها فوق مياه الخليج بسبب فجوة ادت الى انفتاح احد الابواب !!
لست ادري ما هو السبب الحقيقي لهذا الحادث
ارجوا الافادة
زر هذا الرابط وبمشية الله ستتعرف اكثر عن هذة الحادثة واسباب سقوط الطفلين فى مياة الخليج وستتعرف على حوادث اخري
تقبل مودتي

سررررراب999 18-08-2007 06:24 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لاحوال ولا قوة الا بالله

D.M 22-08-2007 03:57 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
الله يرحمهم
ويعافينا ويعافي المسلمين

gsbg123 22-08-2007 07:10 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
الله يرحمهم

العميد 23-08-2007 01:53 AM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله.
اللهم ارحم الؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات

maghreb moon 24-08-2007 01:53 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
يا ساتر

صورة رهيبة

@@جامبو@@ 27-08-2007 10:45 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
لاحول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم وهم السابقون ونحن اللاحقون رحم الله اموات المسلمين جميعا.

bady 19-10-2007 10:33 PM

رد: صورة الطائرة السعودية Lockheed L-1011 بعد الاحتراق ..
الموضوع فيه تحريف كبير وإلقاء المسئولية على الكابتن في حين الأمر
برمته يتحمله عدم تأهيل رجال الأطفاء في المطار فبعضهم طالبوا بشطر
الطائرة ولكن كان الأمر يحتاج لموافقة الجهات العليا وأخذ وقت كبير والبعض
الآخر كان لديه هلع من كمية الوقود والخوف من إنفجار الطائرة ولم يقوموا بما يجب
تلك هي الحقيقة وحملوا الطيار بعد موته المسئولية التامة للتهرب من العار
الذي سيلحق بإطفاء المطار

الساعة الآن 09:53 PM.

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